Adventure of an Essence Maker - Gorse

Adventure of an Essence Maker - Gorse 

Gorse is an essence for feelings of hopelessness; for when you just cannot for see or feel, any other way than you do in that moment.

A positive essence for feelings attached to loss of joy, enthusiasm or faith.

Gorse essence will aid you in releasing self doubt, will prevent you from focusing on the negative and ease feelings of uncertainty.

Gorse is the essence that will transform the pessimistic to the optimistic. It aids in bringing perfect balance to all your emotions.

Affirmation " I have faith that the darkness will lift and the joy and light will illuminate me"

The Adventure of making Gorse Essence 

Gorse for me is found locally in a lot in hedgerows, edge of estates and parks, but my favourite place to find it is in all its natural splendour on Dartmoor. 
This particular essence was made in a remote spot on the moors found whilst hiking one weekend. I share a picture of part of the journey. This was near the start of the walk and as you can see has no Gorse in the picture! After saying it's found in abundance the location I had chosen was showing no signs, typical of my unplanned rambling adventures. Six miles in the Moorland however it was in abundance, loads and loads of bushes of golden Gorse scattered across the landscape, as far as the eye could see. I had chosen an amazing day to get out here, the weather was cool and crisp, the sky blue and the Gorse bushes glistened like beacons of light or bonfires across the horizon. My camera battery had run low on this adventure, so I failed in my usual mass of photographs but sometimes you know that's OK, its about being in the moment and taking that time to admire. Possibly a timely reminder from nature itself! 
So whilst sadly no more photos to share with you of this visual splendour , I will let your own imagination run wild on how it may have looked. The plant I chose to work with was wonderful , about 4ft tall and 6ft maybe more wise it had created a womb like shelter or hut , maybe the wind had created this shape as it was an exposed area but on the day it was a welcome little enclosure from the raging winds Dartmoor winds that we so often find out on this part of the Moors. Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining, these winds are wild, full of energy,  cleansing and clearing and all part of the joy of being out there. 
In I climbed, safe in my Gorse shelter protected from the elements. It was like a tee pee of Gorse with a big space in the middle, it was here I was able to see and feel the suns rays for the first time sheltered from the strong winds, the sun shone brightly and warmly through the leaves, a perfect spot for making an essence surround by the gorse plant itself. 
When surrounded by Gorse you cannot help but to feel happy and optimistic. Gorse as an essence has the same effect. It is for hopelessness, for when you feel there is no future of change, when you have lost faith or you are uncertain of times ahead. 
Using the essence of Gorse you are bringing a positive to these feelingsGorse will aid you in releasing self doubt, will prevent you from focusing on the negative and help you focus on the way forward. 
When I look at the plant and see what message there is to give us, I feel the it is the flower in the instance of Gorse we get the strongest message from, they are usually a long elongated bean shape,  this shape and size reminds me of little torch lights. Is this natures way of showing us what gorse can do? I believe so. 
Protective, a bringer of hope and nurturing energies a beacon of light when being pressured be it by ourselves or others. It is strong, resilient and capable. Yet no need to be flamboyant or egocentric. 
It is an essence of choice for transformation, to aid us in changing our own attitudes and habits from being in a pessimistic state, to being in an optimistic state.
Gorse is one of my favourite essences to use at the start of someones essence journey. It allows us to open up to possibilities, bring our own unique selves forward and bring joy in even the simplest things in life. It aids in mindfulness, recharging and reconnecting to life and bring our own emotional energies into a state of harmony and balance. 

To purchase a Gorse Essence you can click here

If you have any questions about Gorse then drop me a comment below or find out more about essences and how to start your essence journey using my website


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