Keeping Feet Healthy and Happy

Keeping Feet Healthy and Happy

Did you know that feet are one of the most used and yet neglected parts of our body. The average adult walks 10000 steps a day! Our feet hold and support our body weight and aid us in moving so it’s important to keep our feet healthy and happy. 

When was the last time you showed your feet some love?

I love to go and treat myself at the reflexologists or beauty clinic after all they are the professionals. But for me these tend to be one offs or treats, as they are not happening as often as I would like. So it’s up to me,  every week I take some time to look after my feet, show them some love and gratitude.

Today's blog post I decided that I would share some top tips, with you for happy healthy feet.

Fun Fact: Did you know that chipped, cracked nails and burning feet sensations might be a sign of vitamin or minerals deficiency? Our feet are also like a road map of our physical health so take note of what they are telling you and get some help or advice if you are worried. 

My Foot Care Routine

  1. Soak feet in warm water for 15-20 mins (try adding some Epsom Salts and a drop of peppermint oil) I like to use a electric foot soak like but you can use any bowl or bucket
  1. Use a pumice stone to scrub away dead skin (this is easier to do after soaking)
  1. Use a cuticle scrapper to tidy around your nail bed.
  1. Cut nails and file them (make sure they are not sharp, ingrowing or infected , if so get appropriate treatment)
  1. Soak again 20 mins (I use a scrub to clean them at this point)
  1. Take out and dry thoroughly (especially between toes)
  1. Lotion and massage

I have linked some of my favourite accessories and products if you want t use the same as me. 

How to massage feet 

  • Stroke the top of your foot this improves circulation and warms up feet (toes to ankles)
  • Rotate your foot at the ankle and then rub each side of each foot at the ankle bone using your thumb in a circle motion
  • Squeeze and rub your toes individually, this helps relieve tension
  • Rub and apply pressure all over , you can be your own guide to what feels good
  • Try and do at least 5 minutes on each foot (take your time)

Other things to help keep feet happy and healthy 
  • Keep feet clean and dry - did you know feet produce around 500ml of sweat a day!
  • Cut nails correctly , this means straight and short - did you know toe nails are nearly double the thickness of fingernails!
  • Wear correct footwear , breathable , waterproof , protective, supportive, did you know footwear is designed to protect your feet but worn incorrectly can lead to a number of health complaints
  • Know when to get professional help - fungal infections, corns, swelling, inflammation, discolouring, to name just a few of in doubt seek professional help. 

Taking a mindful moment 

Why not take all of this a stage further and take a mindful moment. Really consider and feel every action you are taking. Enjoy the relaxation, peacefulness and care it is allowing you. Breathe deeply. It helps us  to know and appreciate our bodies, allows us time to reconnect with our feelings and take our attention away from mind chatter. 

You can extend the care to your friends and family why not involve the kids or invite friends over for a foot night!

Whatever you decide , find time to appreciate the work your feet do for you, be kind to them and keep healthy. 

I would love to hear any of your top tips, please share in the comments below or get in touch via any of my social media. 

A.K.A Magick Mummy


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