Let's talk sleep!
Let's talk sleep!
It can feel like lots of people who blog like to talk about sleep and how we can all improve it, maintain it or even get some or more of it! The honest truth is a lot of our health issues can arise from poor quality or lack of sleep and this is why as a working mum, wife and holistic therapist I'm deciding to share with you some of my thoughts in today's blog post.
Do you stay up late now for the right reasons?
I used to be someone who would stay up late, all hours, working, socialising or relaxing late into the night. I even told myself on many an occasion that 'I am at my best at this time of the day' and this is why I stay up.Truth be known when I really analysed why. It was because this is when I 'found time' to do the things I wanted to do, after all my hats of responsibility and when the world had gone quiet and I could give my self permission to do something for me. This might not be your reason why , but its a fabulous question to ask yourself and really consider your answer.
If however this does sound familiar? This is the conclusions I came to. I have a young family who needed me during the day, my work commitments were day related mostly, my relationships with friends and family needed me to be present during the day. So the evenings to me felt precious and valued as the only part of the day I could achieve 'me' time. But this all came at the detriment of my sleep and as the days still started early and I then couldn't wake easily or contently that soon catches up with you and like it or not health starts to suffer.
Finding A Miracle Morning
Back in August 2016 I started my journey towards creating a Miracle Morning routine after reading a book by Hal Elrod. With this came a quick realisation that I needed to create an effective bedtime habit and nighttime routine, this was going to be essential in my success to continuing the Miracle Morning, which in turn was helping my health, personal development and overall mindset.If you haven’t read the Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. STOP now go and get his book, or visit his website to find out more. I cannot do the process he takes you through justice in a blog post , but I highly recommend this book!, It is one of those tools and treasures that I can hand on heart say really changed my life.
I became a morning person. Now the mornings didn't just feel this way right from the start. Whilst managed to do the Miracle Mornings it didn’t have the same feeling as the evening to start with. It did take change, commitment and work. I used to stay up very late most evenings working or completing tasks, believing it was one of my most creative and productive times. Truth as I see it now, whilst having a young family, the evening can be very tempting to use for getting things done and believe me I did get a lot done! But I would say in hindsight it was in not in such a productive and feel good way as it is now.
Now I have that 'me time' every day and not to the detriment of my sleep or anything else. I started to focus on having a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life as a result. Fast forward to 2019 and the habit and routine has taken hold they still don't feel the same, they feel better!
After the Miracle Morning routine, dealing with the family, work and all of ifs challenges has all become more fun, fluid and certainly more productive. The sense of accomplishment and achievement that comes with this process is a real boost to life. If you would like to know what my morning routine looks like as well then drop me a comment below.
After a few days of going to bed late and still and getting up early for me my miracle morning can start as early as 5:30am (but not always). I soon realised something I had to do for me was get to bed earlier. Now for me that meant being in bed by 10pm (for someone else that might be different) listen to your own counsel and do what feels right for you. You might have to experiment to find the ideal timings for you. I have to say this took a bit of getting used to, for example I had to set an alarm to go to bed to start with! There are lots of useful insights in Hal's book to help you along the way.
For the first part I still felt like I shouldn't go to sleep, even though once asleep I sleep very well , when you go to bed earlier than you mind expects it can remain quite busy! This is where my post comes to you today, these tips and my experiences may help you to sleep better, get more or help establish a new bedtime routine helping you become a morning person, ready and productive but also happier and healthier too!
What bedtime looks like now.
So with this in mind I thought it might be helpful of I shared what my bedtime routine looks like now.I try to stick to the same time every day (bed by 10pm) and if I'm having late nights I try to schedule them apart from each other. Yes I schedule late nights! In fact if you read some of my other blog posts you will find out I schedule lots of mundane situations or tasks.
I exercise in a way that suits me and my abilities for the day, walking, gardening, yoga, cycling, it you really does make it easier to sleep later.
No phone after 10pm (In fact I don't even keep it in the bedroom anymore)
I keep my bedroom clean and cosy. I made it a place I love to be , that might mean having your favourite colour bedding, extra pillows or even a teddy. It just needs to be a space you feel you can relax in. With this in mind a tidy bedroom can also prove much easier for your conscious and subconscious to rest, when the room isn't busy with clutter. So make sure even if its a place you love that its your version of tidy so nothing is distracting you. I fully appreciate this will look different for everyone.
Journal before bed, writing down gratitudes for the day, checking in with what I have planned for the next day, a good brain dump of tasks and checking in on what I have to look forward to the next day.
This is a great time to write and read yourself a positive affirmations or pull a Oracle card.
Be careful not to eat late but not to go to bed either hungry or over full. The likely discomfort to follow will keep you up.
I read a fictional book sometimes just to relax and help my mind drift away. I am currently reading 'The signature of all things' by Elizabeth Gilbert which is fantastic.
Having a warm bath can really help, it rests your physical body and mind and as your body natural cools it can put it into a natural state of slumber. Good idea to have some relaxing bubbles in there too or Epsom Salts.
A warm drink for me my favourite bedtime hot drink is a Chai Tea.
I avoid nicotine (I don't smoke myself, but also make a conscious effort to avoid any passive smoking when around others in general but especially before bed), I avoid caffeine and alcohol as at their very least unwanted side effect they are stimulating.
I reduce bright lights and loud sounds - being a sound therapist I recommend listening to something soothing if you need help and are not a fan of silence. I use tuning forks or listen to a meditation.
I have a whole list of favourites and other tools depending on my mood, challenges of the day, the time available and how I'm feeling emotionally and physically to help myself. I have made a list below so you have a recourse to some of these swell.
Interesting fact.
Did you know you are more likely to experience stress, snack and be less productive the next day if you feel that you have not had enough sleep!Favourites other tools to help me sleep!
• Aromatherapy - one of my favourite blends is Neal Yards Organic - Nighttime. It has a lovely blend of vetiver and relaxing lavender essential oils perfect on a diffuser or as a roller, to stop your mind whirring and gives you a refreshing nights sleep.• Get the right nutrition - plant derived minerals are excellent option if you lack in some minerals this can give you restless sleep - I recommend Simply Naturals from personal experience
• Flower Essences. These are a natural way to support our emotions. You can find out much more through up and coming blog posts but also my own website www.naturalmagick.co.uk I am an Advanced Practitioner and Producer of Essences. They are another tool and treasure that can really transform your life!
• The Still Point Peace Process is an audio meditation and sound clip using tuning forks. It is available here for free from the lady who trained me Debbi Walker.
• Sleeping in the dark helps me to so I've included the link for my favourite sleep mask. I use this when travelling too!
You can do it too!
Coming up three years on from starting all of these are still the principles I follow today to ensure I have a fantastic morning and a healthy bedtime habit and enough sleep. I get ask so much about this topic that I hope you found this blog post helpful.If you would like to share your experiences and thoughts with me you can comment below, I would love to hear about your experiences or suggestions for sleep.
You can also follow me on any of the Social Media below.
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